Contact Us for the Best in Hearing Protection

Contact Us for the Best in Hearing Protection

Health Care

Your hearing is one of the most precious gifts that you have. It’s essential to protect it. Whether you are in need of hearing protection to do your job or to enjoy your hobbies, custom earmolds are a helpful way to safeguard one of your five senses from the dangers of loud noises.

Musicians are individuals who especially need to protect their hearing. We offer custom earmolds for ear plugs and in-ear monitors. Tinnitus, or ringing in the ears, is common among musicians as they are hit by loud music. With simple hearing protection, musicians don’t have to deal with the 10-18 hours of tinnitus that often follows a concert.

When a musician has to deal with tinnitus over a long period of time from repetitive concerts and practices, their hearing can be severely damaged. Ear monitors help musicians hear their own music and that of others on stage at a safe level. Ear plugs come in three types, and we can help you determine the best kind for you. The type you get depends on the type of instrument you play or kind of music you sing.

Another group of individuals who benefit from hearing protection is hunters. Hearing is essential to being a good hunter, for you to find game, connect with your hunting pack, or to hear road noise to get back to your vehicle safely. You run the risk of hearing loss if you don’t have protection for your ears. Sensoineural hearing loss is the most common type of hearing loss for hunters. This happens when the inner ear nerves are damaged.

Having a shotgun or rifle go off near your ear can damage the small hairs in your ear that transmit sounds, which turns into damaged hearing. There are cutting-edge hearing solutions today that help you hear the sounds in your surroundings without muffling all of the sounds. We can make earplugs just for you that will provide you with the protection you need.

We also offer customized hearing solutions for newscasters, security, and government employees. Additionally, we provide hearing protection for loud workplaces. If you have trouble sleeping due to noises waking you up, we can also fit you with a customized set of sleep plugs. No matter your particular need, we can provide you with the best hearing protection around.