Why Coconut Oil Based Lubes Make A Better And Safer Alternative To Coconut Oil?

Why Coconut Oil Based Lubes Make A Better And Safer Alternative To Coconut Oil?

Health Care

Lubes are the time tested solution for helping women having pains, due to friction while having sex. Women can face trouble with producing natural lubrication due to various health factors like, hormonal changes, medication, early menopause, deficiency of fatty tissues near the vagina, and aging.

Although condoms come with lubes, their effectiveness lasts for hardly a minute or two. Besides, not many couples enjoy having sex with condoms. On the other hand, lubes help significantly in reducing vaginal dryness. They can also help women get better arousal and sweet sensitivity during sexual intercourse.

Tips for using the best and safe lubes for ultimate sexual experiences:

Now that we understand the importance of lubes for enjoying healthy sexual relationships, it is equally important to choose the right kind of products that are safe and effective.

When it comes to body products, we are more careful about the ingredients that are used for manufacturing them. That is probably why we always look for organic products, especially on the ones that come in direct contact with our private parts.

Many people vouch for the safety and effectiveness of using coconut oil as an organic personal lubricant. It is 100% natural and is free of any kind of chemicals that you get in many of the products that are available in the market.

If you are apprehensive about using it directly on your sexual organs, you could do a trial run on your arms for a few days, and see if it causes any kind of irritation. When you feel that it is safe on your skin, you could take it with you to your bed.

However, there are some drawbacks of using raw coconut oil as a lube:

  • To start with, it is just not compatible with the latex condoms.
  • Coconut oil is indeed a natural and effective lube, but you cannot trust the manufacturing process of coconut oils, because they are not particularly designed to be used as lubes during sex.
  • Although, coconut oil does have antifungal properties, you cannot be totally sure if the quality of refining them is hygienic enough to be used on sensitive sexual organs.
  • Even tough no research supports or confirms the issues with using coconut oil as a lube, some experts feel that it might not be completely safe.

Therefore, it is better to go for products that are derived from coconut oil, rather than using the coconut oil itself. However, you must make sure that you buy these products only from the reliable sources, that are duly certified for being organic and safe.

Coconu is a well known brand, manufacturing lubes that are derived from coconut base and other organic ingredients. Their products are certified buy USDA for being 100% organic. You can also use them as massage creams to make things more exciting, while leading to sex.

These coconut oil based lubes last for a long time, thereby making your sexual experiences more and more exciting every time you use them. Unlike the oils, these lubes are totally compatible with the condoms made of latex.